How to Optimize Battery Using Solar Charge Controller?

What is Solar Charge Controller- Solar charge controller control the ray of sun going into battery to recharge battery.
It is a significant portion of the system which charges the battery and its objective is to avoid damage to the battery due to overcharging.

What are the types of solar charge of controller?
There are several types of charge controllers – most of which stem from these two; the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) solar charge controllers, and the maximum power point tracking (MPPT).
There are two kind of solar charge controller basis its efficiency.
@ PWM Technology.
@ MPPT Technology.

What is a PWM Solar Charge Controller?
PWM Technology: It makes connection from solar panel to battery bank, here we have to ensure that solar panel voltage and battery bank should tally, so that battery can charge it properly or if any mismatch happens battery will dry and its charging will not work.

What is a MPPT Solar Charge Controller?
MPPT Technology: It give maximum power point tracking, where there is no loss of power, it utilizes 100% efficencity so no loss is reported in this technology.

Solar charge controller for solar panel has many features:-
1. You can set the charging current on which battery will charge.
2. It also stops solar panels to drain battery power backup if there is no use of battery.
3. It also disconnects all load of house, if battery is low, and again light the room if battery is charged properly.
4. It has digital display features where you can view voltage of battery, ampere display coming from solar panel.
5. There are multi-brands in the market to buy this product, but good news is you can buy all at one place of loom solar website. It is India’s premier solar online store for off grid Plate systems and on grids solar systems in India.
